LivePick: Système de préparation des commandes de détail adaptable
TGW Systems Integration AG

LivePick: Adaptable Split-Case Order Fulfillment System

LivePick is our cutting-edge solution for goods-to-person order fulfillment. Whether you're in e-commerce or retail, LivePick is suitable for all sales channels and streamlines the picking process for different business profiles.



LivePick provides a modular and scalable solution designed to meet a wide of requirements flexibly. The use of mobile robots ensures fast and reliable transport of goods within the warehouse, adapting seamlessly to changing needs.

With our plug-and-play approach, the system can be expanded or downsized independently on both the storage and order fulfillment sides, all while keeping the impact on live operation to a minimum. The addition of extra robots increases the number of orders fulfilled, while storage capacity can be easily expanded by adding aisles or extending their length.

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