Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) issues are increasingly entering the priorities of
corporate management, imposing a review of the main supply chain processes starting from the
relationship with suppliers to the engagement of the end consumers. Traditionally, supply chain
management has focused on finding the balance between improving economic performance and
ensuring the best level of service to avoid disruptions in the chain. But in recent years, there has
been an increasing focus on environmental and social issues and regulatory compliance, so much
so that it has become the third axis of performance analysis.
Regulators and monitoring authorities, investors, and consumers are the three actors that are
pressing companies hardest to define and implement ESG strategies. Existing regulations and
regulations on the horizon make corporations increasingly responsible for their business partners’
illegal or unethical conduct.
Sustainability implies Traceability and Transparency, namely the ability to collect all data on the
different supply chain processes to be more transparent and ready to disclose verifiable and
unalterable (Blockchain) product traceability information to meet the expectations of corporate
investors and consumers who wish to buy more sustainable and ethical products.
The ESG vertical offering takes full advantage of the collaborative potential offered by the
TESISQUARE Platform, integrated with Elision’s IoT Competence Center to provide companies with
digital solutions for traceability and governance. These capabilities help companies pursue product
compliance goals related to human rights, environment, and regulations, balancing profit, service
level, and ESG KPIs.